Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Moving and Building a Barn

In moving, shuffling and sorting the paintings for size and packing, I saw many juxtapositions which I would respond by saying now, that that was what I was after.

I had been aware of this for many years in my studio as the paintings piled up.

In 2004 I started consciously the first Night Studio Series, using the recently completed Madrid paintings and the attendant works.

I started making paper paintings of images I put together on the computer.

I thought a painting of a painting would get me away from some naturalistic problems I felt I was having.

I was now interested in how Art and Nature would fall away, which also seemed part of the cycle. I meant, how as I approached Art nature fell away, and as I painted out of doors I felt a distance from the intellectualization which I felt to be necessary for the transformation I saw as Art.

This here is the kernel of what I was trying to do --All of It!.

The Night Sky was my older history of black and white work which i still felt close to. Then the whole universe, that I saw my paintings lining up against, almost as glyphs in an alphabet trying to speak.