Thursday, May 6, 2010
A Landscape Vaguely Remembered
I went toward a inner directed remembered landscape, such as Pollock and de Kooning could be seen as. Kiefer and Schnabel along with myself and others felt we were putting an image back into Abstract Expressionism, as Susan Rothenberg could also be seen as doing as Guston had a few years before done.
I made striped hard edged grounds, a form which I then intruded upon with my brushes and created a new varied surface in relation to the stripe which was a remnant of the shield's immediate surface.
A circular composition was discovered and then a double super imposed over top as an overlay like the Universe and stars. I still strived toward some figural relationship and a Vase shape became a surrogate of that. I began this piling up of metaphor back then as the Vase here besides a figure is a world unto itself in the circular universe.
I remember liking the Medieval Book of Hours form and felt it centered one in the world. The sky above and the constellations mirroring the world below all as one.