Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Madrid Night Studio and 2nd series of Aspen

I finished up the Madrid series and went on to a new almost repainting of the Aspen paintings. Paintings just were different out west as I described before. They had a different ease and speed. I liked this new feeling but also have thought there was maybe another slower side to juxtapose. I have tried to reconcile many differing ideas in my paintings.

Ambivalence is a word I have wondered about since the 1980's. I remember on a bar stool talking and wondering how I could say one thing and mean another. It is too big to describe here but this tendency to also mean the opposite is tied up in my work.

I made a really big 9' Orange Square painting, and felt it to be related to Woman with Clothes Blowing in the Wind, I made 20 years before. I made a smaller painting which related more to the distance in time. It is difficult and shows how much fashion is involved in our reality. Woman with Clothes Blowing was made when I was young and I wanted it to have the feeling of weight, of a foreign oldness-- which today well, seems just old but that will not be the end of this thread.

I had a big show once again of this work, and mixed it all up. The plain landscapes with the others with heightened squares and then the B/W work with the new Night Studio stars. My work had this progression but I liked the different stages of it all mixed up, maybe out of usual order.